Starting and Finishing
It's the lazy days of summer...or is it?
Most families are busy either unpacking, packing, cleaning or getting ready for back to school. Around Woodlawn Chapel, we're getting ready for fall in many ways:
- New Sunday School for children, youth and adults! Classes will begin with an education open house Sunday, September 12 (Rally Sunday). Our education ministry will be an opportunity for all ages to journey in faith. Classes will be held from 10:15-11:15 a.m. Music that day will be an experience of praise worship with special guests.
- Our children's ministry will feature a brand new look. Classes will be taught using the exciting Workshop Rotation Model. This is a creative approach to faith education that many, many churches have adopted. It excites children and teachers through various approaches to learning. No more of the "same old thing," this tool is fresh and inviting. You'll want to send your kids, they're going to want to bring friends, too! Click here for more information about Workshop Rotation.
- Youth Ministry resumes meeting August 29, with an important parent's meeting on August 22. Now is the time to help your teenager make critical decisions about their faith.
And much more.
With all that is "starting," what about "finishing?" I'm delighted to announce that this week I finished the final draft of my doctoral paper. The last touches still need to be applied, and I will need to see if it will be accepted...but it does feel good to finish something!
Thanks be to God! Chris